Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What is it about those characters?

When it comes to my kids and their bedrooms, I've always wanted something "special" for them starting with the nursery.  The one thing I did NOT want when they graduated to "big kid" rooms is anything even remotely resembling a character theme.  When Ryan graduated from the nursery to his first big kid room he was absolutely fascinated with all things airplane related so we chose appropriate paint colors, wainscoting and linens that were suitably non-character but fit into the color scheme.  The "theme" was carried predominantly with a cute little wallpaper border, a throw pillow and a couple of small prints for the walls.  It was great except for the clouds I painted on the walls but that's a whole other story to be told another day.
Then came the day when we found out we had another baby on the way and it was time to do another nursery and of course, being me,  I wanted a new kind of special.  Thank goodness we had a girl so I had a great excuse!  I spent so much time perusing Internet websites and catalogs that the poor child was here before her nursery was put together!  Daddy and Nana were painting white bead board and bubblegum pink walls while I snuggled the baby on the couch downstairs and worried excessively about the paint fumes.  It turned out beautiful and our accent on that room was the carousel horses.  We never found enough accessories to really pull that off and before we knew it, yet another girl was on the way.  She didn't fare so well since she got the existing nursery with the carousel horses gone and the fairies installed but again that's a whole other story.  So on to Marielle's big kid room, my vision realized in cherry furniture, sage and mauve wall colors, shabby chic linens and lace curtains.
Everyone was so happy with their rooms and then Kaitlyn outgrew both her crib and her toddler bed.  She was adamant about her big kid room however, unlike the other two who really had no choice.  I was fine with fairies, I already have a "theme" of fairies and planned on just evolving that into a more mature look.  Kaitlyn however had a completely different idea and was successful in wearing me down to get her Tinkerbell Room. "Anything to get her to sleep in her bed instead of mine" I thought as I dropped the items in the shopping cart. I had NO idea of the nuclear explosion of outrage I was about to unleash at home.  I had NO idea that characters were so important.  Today, I as I was doing laundry, I realized I'm a full fledged convert as I put Tinkerbell sheets in the washer alongside the new Hannah Montana set that Marielle just had to have and wondered whether or not the Transformers comforter would fit in the washer at all.  They are so much happier to climb into bed now... except for Kaitlyn.  She still prefers the 1000 thread count sheets on Mommy and Daddy's bed but still grins ear to ear as she helps me make her Tinkerbell bed every morning.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Nothing really interesting to post today...

So I'll just add a cute pic :)  You can see who was and who was not happy about the first day of school!

Random ADD moments

I was at a baby shower today, playing a game that involved writing answers on a little piece of paper.  I was so fascinated by the glitter ink in the pen I was given that I couldn't even think of answers, I just wanted to scribble in shiny aquamarine ink because it was pretty :P

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Kaitlyn's evil twin

I came across this pic when I was clearing off my camera today.  For all of you who have only seen the sweet side of Kaity, here is proof that she does indeed have an evil twin.

Moms Night Out

I absolutely adore them.  Its so fun to see all your mom friends just hanging out, relaxed and having fun and not one single one of us has to excuse themselves to chase after our child(ren).  I'm always so scattered, counting heads to make sure however many I have with me at any one event are accounted for that I'm never able to fully engage in conversation.  At least once at every playgroup I feel like the rudest person in the world because I have to take off and pull my kid off of someones chandelier or worse.  Wait.  I only have one to take to playgroup now... is there a chance I might actually get to chat?  I only have one head to count... unfortunately that one head belongs to the one who is most like me.  High maintenance, in other words.

Keep the Moms Nights Out coming, I need them!  Ok now I'm off to snuggle with my high maintenance girl who always waits up for me no matter what time I come home :)

I'm just asking...

What is it about laundry hampers that makes items of clothing want to turn inside out? Are there gremlins living in there? And do they sneak out when we aren't looking to get those few, rare items that are left on the floor and turn them inside out as well? Because no one in this house takes them off that way... they all assure me of that.  As a matter of fact, a lot of them are apparently being flipped in the washer and/or dryer as well.  Must be gremlins in there too.  This is why several members of my family often find their clean shirts hanging up inside out.  Don't even get me started on socks and underwear!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Am I crazy to start this?

Maybe so, my life is pretty chaotic but I've been told many times that I should write a book or at least a soap opera script about my life, I could be rich. Well, hey now who wouldnt want that? I have three kids and a stepdaughter to put through college and a whole lotta mortgage payments even before we get to that point. So sit back, grab a drink and try not to spit it all over the screen when you get to one of my more... shall we say unusual... posts.

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